2013年10月31日 星期四

「交換學生Day74」- Happy Halloween!! 在美國的萬聖節!



然後用了很高的效率在圖書館把作文修改了一下因為今天要交final draft,說到這個那就順便貼上我(綸綸)一起寫的呼隆作文~~

Work in Taiwan to Work in America
          I still clearly remember my first arrival in America. I had dreamed of this day for years and now it had come true. When the flight approached the main land, I was sitting on the plane and looking down on the country from above. At that moment, a sound came out from my mind, “Is that the country I had yearned to live in day and night?” I stared at the view for a long while, and hesitated. In the past few years I only thought about living here, but never thought about working here. Although both American and Taiwanese have workaholic cultures, the salaries, work environments, and work concepts are totally different.
          Compared to America, the base salary is quite low in Taiwan, for university graduate students it is approximately 760 dollars per month. (“The base salary...”) However, the base salary in America is about 3,083 dollars per month. It is a tradition that companies in Taiwan pay for a great quantity of benefits to compensate the low salaries. The extra compensation is about 10-months and sometimes even 12-months salary. Unfortunately, in America, only high-level managers can get a significant annual bonus. The attitude to the year-end bonus is also different between these two cultures. The Taiwanese may think the quantity of the bonus implies the proprietors’ assessment of each employee, so they really care about how much they get. On the other hand, unlike Taiwanese workers, Americans have an optimistic attitude on this bonus. They see the bright side, and they will work harder to earn more bonuses next year. (“Annual Bonus in…) Therefore, compare to American, Taiwanese laborers are prone to worry about too many things, and they become stressed in the working environment.
          Regardless of the amount Taiwanese workers receive, they do care a great deal about their work to the point of becoming very stressed. In Taiwan, many people go to work at 8 a.m. and get off work at midnight, especially in the technology industry. Many people don’t get their overtime wage though they work really hard. Moreover, proprietors don’t care about their employees. Their only concern is efficiency and money. They take for granted that their staffs should finish the work no matter how long it will take. Though there are some laws to protect laborers’ rights, the environment is still terrible because of the stress and excessive workload. In America, employees are divided into two different types, one is annual salary employees and the other is wage hourly employees. The annual salary employees will not be paid for overtime which is same as Taiwan, but wage hourly employees will get their payment for working overtime. (“Benefits Annual Salary…”) Moreover, the working environment is much more comfortable in America than in Taiwan, not only for the reason written above, but also the freedom in the work. Taiwanese laborer’s creativity is limited when they work, because most of the proprietors don’t like to innovate. The pattern of thinking of American laborers is much more free, and they do have much more creativity on average because of the working culture climate. For example, Google and Apple always try to make their products better and develop new ideas.
          Taiwanese laborers, on the other hand, will obey all the rules which set by the boss when they are doing their work. They always see the rules as the decree and seldom think about making some changes. In contrast, it’s more relaxed and enlightened to work in America. The laborers will think more and want to make something better and more efficient. Of course, workers have a lot of responsibility in both these two countries. Working environment is diverse. From the salary to the working concept, it can be concluded that working in the USA is better than in Taiwan; however, the reasons written above are averages, it cannot be true for everyone. Each country has their own strengths and advantages.

Work Cited
Annual Bonus in Different Countries.” Bossline. 9 Jan. 2009. Web. 9 Oct. 2013. < http://biz.bossline.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-5382 >
Dwight, Ueda. “How Bonus Work.” Salary.com. Salary.com, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. <http://www.salary.com/how-bonuses-work/>

Jane, Demerica. “Benefits Annual Salary Hourly Wages Employee Wages Employer.” Money

Matters. 21 Aug. 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2013.
North American Employers Not expecting to Fully Fund Annual Bonuses in 2013, Tower Watson Survey Finds.” Towers Watson. 15 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. <http://www.towerswatson.com/en/Press/2013/08/North-American-Employers-Not-Expecting-to-Fully-Fund-Annual-Bonuses-in-2013>
Work in Taiwan-- The Carrots and the Sticks.” Taiwanonymous. 26 March 2008. Web. 6 Oct. 2013. <http://taiwanonymous.blogspot.com/2008/03/work-in-taiwan-carrots-and-sticks.html>
Xiao-Yen, Xia. “The Base Salary of College Graduate Student in 2013 Increases but The Overall Employment Rate Is Still Low.” The epoch times. 9 May. 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. <http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/13/5/8/n3865969.htm>


然後就開始化妝準備晚上partyyyy time!今天的裝扮是女警!有種背負著父親使命的感覺哈哈,其實以前真的有想過當警察,因為我是個沒什麼安全感的人,感覺當警察後就有辦法保護自己了!


好像畫的有點成功因為真的蠻恐怖的XD其實我也就只是在youtube上打halloween makeup然後就找到一些教學,就大概看了一下就畫了



 她辦french people哈哈超可愛的鬍子跟法國麵包



 轉戰Bar time!





大家萬聖節快樂Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 則留言:

  1. 參考文獻的格式國內外好像不太一樣但從沒搞懂過....

    萬聖節快樂Happy Halloween!!!!

  2. 不一樣噢XD


歡迎留言給我 :D